Review of Mr. Lucky

Mr. Lucky (1959–1960)
Online Discussion Group of Mr. Lucky
19 March 2010
Some of us who enjoy this show in general and Ross Martin's work on it in particular, have been discussing it episode-by-episode at

Here's an example, from one of my own posts, which provoked argument from another member:

"Anyway, back to 'The Money Game': Notice the difference between how natural Rovacs sounds when he says, "The bird from Wilbur College?" and how unnatural Lucky sounds when he says, "The bird who said this country has no respect for mathematicians . . . ." I think the writer missed it with that line. Lucky just can't use slang terms like "bird." And the writer did it again, though not so blatantly, with Lucky's dialogue with Eddie about the "fish." Lucky has too much respect for his customers to refer to them with derogatory words like that. Poor John Vivyan-- what he must have thought when he saw this week's script. In addition to having to speak out of character, he sure got stuck with some lame lines this time."

In retrospect, I'm not sure I agree with myself there about the fish. We'd sure welcome other voices, other opinions, from people who'd like to watch and seriously discuss the show with us.
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