23 March 2010
It's really enchanting to see how simple-minded the set-up of certain 70's horror movies is. "Terror House", for example, is so incredibly charming but simultaneously effective and even a bit disturbing. Regina is a college girl who one day receives a letter claiming that she has won a holiday in the Red Wolf Inn resort and, boom, she's off no question asked. She receives a warm welcome from the elderly landlady and her husband, and the son Baby John is quite the cute wild-child who likes to drive over people's fences and chases away from cops for fun. There are two other young female guests and the food is absolutely delicious! The film illustrates the "yumminess" of the food through filming six people feasting from a buffet for five whole minutes. Naturally the clue of the film is revealed at that point already, but you won't mind too much because everything is so cheerful and the performances are so vivid! Regina has the time of her life, stuffing herself with excellent food and falling head over heels in love with Baby John even though he jumps out of refrigerators holding butcher knives in his hand from time to time, and she doesn't pay any attention to the little things that aren't kosher around the house. Isn't it a bit odd that the landlady insists for the girls to weigh themselves after each breakfast? Or that the phone is out of order all the time? Only when the second girl leaves the Red Wolf Inn without saying goodbye, supposedly like a thief in the night, Regina finally becomes suspicious and tries to use her charms to her away from the place. "Terror House" is a pleasantly deranged early 70's shocker with a nice twist on the typical crazy family plot. The film is very low budget, but this is largely compensated through the enthusiasm, goodwill and energy provided by everyone involved in the production. The last supper sequence is terrific and suitably macabre, with chopped off feet floating in the soup bowl and that sort of stuff. Stay seated also for the cute and original menu-styled end credits!
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