A emotional journey into the mind of a child
25 March 2010
When I first read about this movie, I had no idea what the childrensstory was that this movie was going to be based on. Then I found out what it was (it is translated into "Max en de Maximonsters" in Dutch) and I thought it would definitely be interesting.

A lot of people still ask how somebody can make such a short story into a movie, but I think the answer is it doesn't . Where the Wild Things Are is more like a reimagening, and author Maurice Sendak also said after watching it that Spike Jonze created his own vision of his story. So in that sense, if you expect the movie to be 100% true to the story, you might be disappointed.

The biggest complaint I heard from people by far is that this movie is supposedly "too dark for kids", and while I agree that it does have a few dark edges its not thát disturbing. I would say that kids of the age of 8 and up will have no trouble watching it, but thats my opinion.

I think where Where The Wild Things Are is aiming for is representing the emotions that a kid like of Max' age can struggle with, and at that it does a great job and it can often even be confronting. The voices of the monsters are also done with great enthusiasm, and my favorite monster has to be Alexander the goat-boy.

The camera-work is amazing and shows the frantic behavior of a young child perfectly. Max Records also does a great job in this movie and he really makes his role his own. He can be very frantic but he never gets too much on your nerves.

Sometimes there are scenes that are a bit random, and I also heard people complain about that, but personally I feel that this is also a part of a little kid.

At first I was worried that the film would incorporate a lot of use of CGI, but I was surprised to see that the creators used a nice blend of puppetry and CGI (to animate the faces of the monsters) which gives it a very natural look and feel.

While Where The Wild Things Are does not emulate the story it does a great job of portraying the mixed emotions that a child goes through. A great movie for young and old.
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