Hot tub+Time machine=100 minutes of pure fun.
10 April 2010
A movie such as "Hot Tub Time Machine" hardly comes along.This is the type of comedy that escapes from the real world and becomes it's own movie.That's why this movie works so well as a raunchy and funny look at time travel and not to mention hot tubs.So forget those bad expectations you might be having all because of the plot.We hardly get a movie like this, so just sit back and enjoy the ride.There's no reason to explain the plot of the movie.Given the title, all you need to know that the movie is about 4 guys who get in a hot tub and they wake up in the year 1986.Simple as that.If you like hot tubs and time travel and you want to see an unusual but very fun combination, this one's all for you.If you don't like hot tubs and time travel and you think the combination is just plain stupid, go see this movie for yourself and maybe you'll change your mind.I know I did.
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