Purely childish but whilst pinching your inquisitiveness
13 April 2010
First of I had no background what the movie formerly originated, but to me it was like recalling Pan's Labyrinth or Bridge to Terabithia—which the two essentially had nothing to possess in similarity as to theme or flow of the story. They are akin to the sense that they are both fantasy. In the deepest sense also they are similar as to children's inexplicable magnitude of imagination. This latter one however can be argued by many viewers depending on their interpretation. That is why I loved very much how Pan's Labyrinth showed that kind of surreal delineation so as well with Bridge to Terabithia. Where the Wild things are could have been better except for little things of course. I didn't like the actor (Max Records)—well this is pretty subjective reasoning, but what I most precisely refer would be the character: Max. I got the feeling that he's the type you'll get bored with all those petty lies he babble and boast in front of you. But I deem that I just don't find his character that interestingly convincing. Well if we are to talk about his behaviors and attitude, it can be well mitigated by tracing how his current family is made of. His sister for example is too pre-occupied with his friends. Her mother is even bombarded with work stuff and is even elsewhere with her boyfriend. It's all alone to poor Max how to keep himself taken. And because of emotional distraught, fatigue, hunger he got into this weird island bravely all on his own. The parallel thing is that, this has the same ideological interpretation with Pan's Labyrinth's Ophelia and Bridge of Terabithia's Jess. They got into their own world, and we viewers sit there and watch them go to the trouble of their longing hearts. The conclusions were also typically similar, for a standard family-themed movie. It is to my discomfort however that the mixing of the sound was too "childy", that word doesn't even exist. The movie for me was too much into compelling kids rather than pulling a major percent attention of older age, probably I just get weary of such stuff. Well this doesn't qualify as an objective criticism, but to answer for that I say the movie is good in other aspects. The story was pretty genuine, graphics and effects were brilliant, the wrapping was good. All in all a family-coursed movie that can nip your interest on its own.
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