Concerns about the Roloff Family's Future
19 April 2010
I enjoy the show and have watched it for a couple of years. I'm increasingly concerned with what happens to Any and Matt after the kids are all gone from home. Amy is very critical of Matt in front of her children and the kids have become very disrespectful of their father as a result. After all, without Matt's genius in developing the farm and all it's interesting feature's (the pumpkin business, the buildings that are a take-off on parts of, Knott's Berry Farm, etc) this wouldn't be much of a story. Even his leadership of Little People of America which brought him to the attention of TLC made this show possible. Yet at every turn AMy is putting him down--most recently on the European trip--when she makes it clear how much easier it was to travel without Matt. She even criticizes him of using his disability to get special privileges to tour in Paris. Matt's many surgeries and deformed legs makes traveling much more difficult for him than for Amy or Zach who are short but otherwise quite able. in most situations. I doubt that Matt and Amy will stay together after the kids are gone and it wouldn't surprise me if they split long before then.

Amy has so spoiled her children that the twins barely graduated from high school. I think she in particular should be embarrassed for their laziness and lack of initiative in the simplest of tasks. She let them run around night after night playing, driving their vehicles with no rules, no time to be home at night, no emphasis on school work. When Matt would suggest discipline whether to clean up their own mess, fess up to the burned end table etc. she would side with her kids--showing she was much more concerned with being one of the kids and liked by them than being a parent. It really shows her own immaturity. The twins communication skills are deplorable as a result, their social skills lacking and I wonder if they have any chance at any kind of further education. They're not dumb kids and with any kind of guidance should have excelled in high school and had plans by the time thy were juniors to go on college or trade school of some sort. Instead it seems they have no plans other than live off the life their father has given them for which they have no gratitude.

Molly seems to be the most level headed and most intelligent. Jacob on the other hand is so terribly spoiled---just thinking of his "texting" addiction at his age before Matt took the phone away. Why did a boy that age even have a cell phone. His constant whining on their trips and playing with his video games instead of showing any interest in the wonderful opportunities he's had to see so many places other kids would love to see. He shouldn't be allowed to take his toys along or at least should be told when to put them away.

Certainly the money they've made from this TV show has given them opportunities to succeed and I wish them well. I just hope those boys will realize this opportunity won't last forever and eventually they need to grow up and become productive citizens. Soccer and road trips aren't real life anywhere else but on TV.
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