Into the Sun (1991)
The (intentional?) homo-eroticism makes up for the B standard plot
2 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
The short version: "Story about a Hollywood actor and the relationship he forms with a top Air Force pilot in preparing for a role." Indeed.

Competing protagonists - looking like models - in sexy uniforms, plus double entendres in every second line? Reminds you of something? What might be unintentional in Top Gun, is almost certainly not so here. Or is it just the ambiguousness of the early 90's? It's actually lampshaded by Tom Slade (Hall) when he asks Shotgun (Paré) what's with all the entendres and penis talk at the military base (actual wording). Add a bit of unrealistic 90's action - things blow up very easily - and you know what you're in for. The villain further ups the ham factor.

Just watch it with your slash goggles on, and you'll have a great time with the cheesy lines, the manly groping, bonding, power struggle and abundance of subtext. Not to be taken seriously, but good fun.

"Move your damn leg!" "Move it!!!" "Is that it?!" "Ow." Quotes: Shotgun.
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