Review of Iron Man 2

Iron Man 2 (2010)
Although I liked it, it should've been what "The Dark Knight" was, a sequel better than the 1st.
8 May 2010
For me, "Iron Man II" was one of the most anticipated movies of the year for me.Given the fact that the first was sensational, I just knew this would be excellent, and maybe better than the first.Well, that's what I thought.I have good news and bad news for this movie.The good news is that "Iron Man II" is a solid movie, no doubt.I enjoyed it.There's no reason to not see it.It's a solid piece of 2-hour entertainment.The bad news is that it was too talkative.I really hate to tell this to people going into this movie looking for non-stop action, but there's only 3, count em 3, major action sequences in the entire movie.2 are serious and quite effective while one is played mostly for comic relief, and I enjoyed it for it's sheer goofiness.The problem with it is that there is too much talking between the action.If I could estimate, I'd say there's about 20 to 25 minutes of action through out the whole movie.The other 90 minutes are nothing bu talk, talk, talk.I'm not saying I was bored, I'm just saying that there could've been more cool action sequences.Maybe 2 more wouldn't have hurt.Those looking for the same level of entertainment as the first might be a little disappointed.So I would recommend that you don't see it with high expectations.But I am recommending "Iron Man 2" for the cool special effects, the iron man suits, and Robert Downey Jr.'s performance.A solid, but not excellent, sequel.
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