A Psychedelic, Hippy Trip
11 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I usually don't watch this type of movie but today I seen it was on Retroplex and I didn't want to watch my usual horror movies so I sat myself down ready to be entertained. I should have stuck with the horror movies. What I ended up watching was this terrible, awful movie about the end of civilization if you are over the age of 25. Instead of eating hot dogs and chips while watching this, I should have had a bag of weed and some LSD strips then maybe I would have liked it. It was interesting to see Cindy Williams in a pre-Laverne and Shirley role. Basically, it is about these wacked-out under 25 hippies and their travels through the southwest and their meetings with other wacked-out hippies. It's kind of like a psychedelic Road Warrior type movie without the killing. Maybe if you were a child of the 60's, you might like this type of movie but I was born in '67 so I didn't like it. If you are into the drug culture of the late 60's then this movie is for you, if not, then stay far away from this one.
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