A Serious Man (2009)
It's either hit or miss w/the Coen Bros...MISS.
17 May 2010
The Coen brothers are the most hit & miss writer/directors I know of in all of the world. It seems nobody puts out more really good films along with really terrible films at the same time. I never understood what was so great about "Fargo" except for a couple of scenes it is completely forgettable. This film is completely forgettable in every single way. It's a film you keep waiting for the plot to come yet never shows up! The acting was good & that's about it. It is one of the most pointless boring films I've seen this year & I've easily seen 500 films this year. Thanks Netflix streaming. I would be surprised if even the hardcore Coen fans can find much of anything to be enjoyed. I thought "No Country for Old Men" was excellent although I didn't think it was perfect like so many others did. However I thought "The Ladykillers" was absolutely terrible as was "Intolerable Cruelty." On the other hand they made "The Big Lewbowski" which I will be forever grateful to them for. The also made "Blood Simple" which was terrible. There doesn't seem to be any middle ground with them, their films are either really good "O Brother where art Thou," or Bad "Burn after Reading." This film is a huge pointless, boring, sleep inducing mess. ONLY WATCH If you are a die hard Coen fan, just don't expect a Lebowski.
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