Bad Lines for the Script
19 May 2010
Both Hugh Grant and Jessica Parker have very specific acting styles and an image that their audiences come to expect. The storyline and casting for this film was very well intelligently thought out, but the lines provided in the script simply did NOT match the actor and actress. I truly enjoyed seeing Sam Elliot again as well and wished there had been a little more of him to give some balance to a script with unintelligent lines. The attempted comedic lines dumbed them down when it was truly obvious the characters being portrayed were definitely above-average intelligent ... and the scriptwriting did not even attempt to blend the lines to work with each celebrity's acting styles or image.

Even if the casting had chosen two other leads for this movie, it really boils down to very bad lines done in the script. Even creative ad-libbing that they attempted to do simply didn't help. So, I was largely disappointed in this film since the storyline premise and the superb casting drew me with great interest, but it was a very frustrating film to watch and a waste of good talent ... and the entire film crew and producer, etc. If they had taken the time to rework the lines, this could have been an enjoyable film to watch. Instead, it was a most frustratingly stupid movie.
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