Review of Spider

Spider (2007)
How did they do that?
25 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I came to the IMDb page for Spider to see if there was any information about how the special effects were done. For me, this short film was all about one shot.

SPOILERS: While stopping for gas, a man buys several gifts to try to pacify an angry girlfriend. She eventually starts to give in, until the rubber spider hidden in the sun visor falls out and scares her. She stops and gets out of the car, and when the man tosses the rubber spider over to show her it's not real, she jumps back further into the road. In one continuous shot, we see her get hit by another car, which skids to a halt, still in frame, with the driver then getting out. The woman also remains on camera from the moment she gets out of her own car, until the time she is lying on the road. So how did they do that? It must have been computerized somehow, but there aren't any visual clues. It looks seamless.

The ending of the short involves a paramedic getting ready to administer a shot and then getting startled by the rubber spider. He jerks back, and the needle get's stuck in the boyfriend's eye. If that sounds like your brand of twisted humor, than you can only hope the filmmaker, who doubles as a stunt man, continues to make shorts or graduates to feature films. Another short film of his, Lucky, has a similar irony to its twist ending. I guess that makes him a cross between Zoe Bell and M. Night Shamalayan.
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