Review of Black Roses

Black Roses (1988)
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1 June 2010
It seems to me that Z-grade features like Black Roses would be a lot of fun to make. Signing up for this project (as a cast member) you would get to do one of the following: wear scary make-up and play monster, rock out or show off body parts. And because the script is everything but demanding, and there are no studio heads making deadlines for the project, There is never much pressure involved. As enjoyable as the filmaking experience may have been, It is a bore to watch.

It is hard to get away with being deliberately cheesy. A tiny handful of films with names that include Killer Klowns from Outer Space, work exceptionally well as a satirical throwback the days of Ed Wood. Black Roses could just as easily be looked at as a high campy throwback of a movie, but unlike Killer Klowns, this one is likely to draw your attention away from the screen and towards the exit sign.

Only a moron could ask for professionalism in something like this. Even if you set your expectations low, Black roses is still disappointing. Is it too much to ask for a little humour in what is supposed to be part comedy I think. Black Roses is a case of a movie that sells a funny idea. It reads well, but the end product is highly insufficient. I may have laughed in two or three places (but that's it).

the majority of laughter in Black Roses is more likely to be unintentional, like the shakiness of the picture in all the wide shots. There must have been a loose bolt on the camera crane. I've seen video productions that draw less attention to themselves. Seriously who was operating the camera?

There is a reason why Z-Grade movies have earned such a name. I've seen a few which are entertaining, but Black Roses is not among them.
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