Texas Rangers (2001)
Not Too Bad...But....Lacking
12 July 2010
I never heard of this film before seeing it listed on Showtime. I thought it was a fairly decent film...even when I saw "Dawson" and then "Kelso" come on the screen. Nevermind Usher being there too. I thought..Oh great...this will be so lame. Not so. It could have had less scenes where the good guys were riding hell-bent for leather across the plains...it was shown over and over..I wondered if the same areas were used for each of those scenes? It was some what predictable most of the time too...of course you knew the Mexican girl wasn't dead...the attraction between her and Lincoln was too obvious for her to die so soon. I was surprised that Aston could do serious acting..his stint as Kelso seemed to be the extent of his screen talents in my opinion...sorry..he isn't a big deal to me as far as Hollywood "stars" go. Being married to Demi means na-da..big deal. Anyway...I liked it..enjoyed it...and wished it had been a stronger movie all around. The characters needed more depth..we needed to know when, why and how they came to all be where they were. The director, producer and others cashed in on the two main stars being so hot at the moment when this film was made. With a little more effort it could have been a HUGE film...which I think it should have been. Instead..it ended up on a video store shelve somewhere and of course..offered for free on channels like SHOWTIME. Pity. I would have paid to see it on the big screen if it had been showcased as a blockbuster.
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