Review of Release Me

True Blood: Release Me (2009)
Season 2, Episode 7
A Chick Running with a Bull Mask is Hilarious
16 July 2010
Overall this episode was good and the storytelling is solid. But it wouldn't be any fun without mentioning the two big distractions. First, Maryann chasing Sam is just plain funny. It's obvious the actress couldn't move very fast (probably couldn't see out of the bullhead mask) and watching her wobble stops the scene dead. Funny though.

The second thing is Godric. So far his character is intriguing, but how did he come to save Sookie? He just appears out of nowhere and nobody questions it. Bam! Suddenly he's there saving the day. The lifeline to this part though is that it's already been established vampires adhere to a fairly strict hierarchy so they don't question, they get told by their superiors what's what. I'm just surprised Sookie, who for being a telepath her whole life can't manage to contain her surprise at all, about anything, doesn't ask. Actually, her character is getting to be less likable as time goes on.

We'll see how it pans out for the Stackhouse family...
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