This film is CRAZY..
21 July 2010
It's hard to figure out why anybody thought this was a story worth writing down, let alone filming. Let me get this straight: you're annoyed at your sister not helping you out after her friends jump on you in the snow, you're sick of your mom neglecting you because she's spending time with her new bf and you certainly don't want frozen corn for tea. So whaddya do? Why, you trample slush all over your sibling's room, you bite your mom on the shoulder and then you run away from home in an animal suit complete with tail. RRiigghhtt.. Wait, I haven't got to the best part. You find a boat, and you set sail for a MYSTERIOUS LAND, full of strange creatures which oddly enough, look like Fraggle Rock rejects. Because that's exactly what they are. Anyway, you elect yourself their king, and being the simple, gullible beasts they are, they go along with it.

During your reign, you will instigate THE RUMPUS which is basically leaping up and down making a lot of noise, THE PILE UP where everybody jumps on top of each other before falling asleep in a heap and THE GREAT CLOD FIGHT which entails two groups of people, the baddies and the goodies, throwing hunks of dirt at each other. Among your subjects are Anthropomorphic birds, goats and buffalo, not to mention two weird owls and a huge 'dog' that roams the desert. You decide to build a fort that the whole community can live together in, and things start going very well. But soon in-fighting breaks out, arms get pulled off and your once loyal followers want to eat you.. forcing a hasty retreat into a friendly beastie's tummy..

I am not making this up. The closest movie I can compare this too was The Neverending Story which was also about a young fella-me-lad getting involved in a fantasy world while changing it. That however, had a over-riding story where you genuinely thought things were at stake. This, on the other hand, is just a serious of random events where stuff happens, with charmless characters and stupid dialogue to boot. It's original, I'll give it that, but what's the point if the movie is far more weird than interesting? As the underwhelming ending faded out and the credits rolled, I was trying to think who it would appeal to. Kids? Furries? Zoophiliacs?! Who knows? All I know is I am plopping the DVD Where The Auction Things are. 4/10.
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