The most original style of comedy.....or venting
22 July 2010
Zach Gach-fix-kin-ass-key is one of the freshest comedians walking the comedy beat today, he has created a very original style of comedy and the best way I can describe it is to call it "venting". You know that feeling of awkward hilarity when someone does something embarrassing and you cant help but laugh? he tends to blend that, with making fun of himself and his past and I have to say that I cant remember the last time I laughed so hard. His comedic style beats the HELL out of Dane Cook's overcooked garbage. My favorite quote from the film is "When you look like I do it's hard to get a table for one at a Chuck E' Cheese." I cant really say much more other than there should be a movie made about Zach's "brother" Seth Galifiankis.
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