One of the worst Horror movies about heart-transplants, killer apes, and womens wrestling that I've ever seen
23 July 2010
One would assume that a 60's gore-fest, with the words "bloody" and "apes" in the title, which also features a sub-plot involving women's wrestling, would be at least mildly entertaining. Not so. Not even a little. I hate it when this happens. With a rad little title such as Night Of The Bloody Apes, it's all a gore-hound can do is have high expectations. But then it hits me... Oh yeah!! Mexican B-Horror. You see, no one is to blame for my boredom but me. I was well aware how terribly dull low-budget Horror is from down there. Believe me. This won't happen again. But now that I've started this review, I guess you expect me to keep on typing a while longer, so I can tell you about it... *SIGH* Alright, fine...

There seems to be a lot of this "transplant Horror" from this era, and the decade before. I can't remember ever being this bored by one of these. About a Surgeon desperately trying to save his ailing son, Julio's life by replacing his bum ticker with that of an orangutan. And don't forget the routine, surgery, stock-footage. Not bad. And of course, Julio now turns into a Gorilla-person. Doing only what a Gorilla-person would do. Julio goes on rampages, ripping women's clothes off, and perform random acts of brutality. Not to worry, as he doesn't stay like that. It's kind of an on and off thing, like a werewolf, I guess... Oh yeah!! And there's also chicks rasslin'. A quality which seems to serve no purpose. No tie-in to the main story or anything. Or maybe that is the main story. Who knows?

I know what you're thinking, but trust me, it's not nearly as good as it sounds. absolutely all of this manages to come off completely flavorless. It really is a shame. A total waste of an awesome title. Dare I say it's even worse than Cheerleader Autopsy. The son of the guy that directed this bloody letdown, would go on to make a movie about killer cats, entitled Blood Feast. That's right. Blood Feast. As far as the one about the Apes goes, my advice to you would be to forget you ever heard of this lousy flick, and its glamorous title, and spend your money on something worthwhile like Brain Of Blood, or TeenApe Goes To Camp. At the very least, Night Of The Bloody Apes had a choice to give us some "so bad it's good" humor. It couldn't even give us that. Shame on you, Bloody Apes 3/10
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