Cabin Fever (2002)
major flop
11 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
So many things in this movie were either generic/predictable, completely unrelated to anything else in the movie, or made no sense at all. The characters were all as generic as they come. A group of college kids interested in having a good time with the personality of a rodent between the five of them. Scratch that.. I would much have rather watched a hamster nibble on cheese and exercise on a hamster wheel for an hour than watched this rubbish.

The script was horrible. It was trying too hard to sound typical of the characters (college kids), and the horrendous acting on top of it made it so unbearably.. what's the word I'm looking for? Boring? Crappy? Eye-roll inducing? The only remotely real character was Bert, yes the obnoxious one, he was the only person in the movie I was even remotely interested in finding out what was going to happen to him. The acting was horrible too. You don't believe the characters believe anything that they're saying, against except for Bert.

Back to the unrelated or makes no sense issue. A good chunk of this movie involves scenes or characters or lines that have nothing to do with anything. The worst of these was the pancakes/ karate scene. Why is there a slow-mo karate scene in the middle of the movie, by a minor character, who also has pretty much nothing to do with anything, and why is he yelling "pancakes"? Well at least Bert's reaction was pretty funny. There are way too many unnecessary/ senseless things in this movie and none of them are clever or at least cool to look at or anything.

The "mystery" of the infection is given away the first time the camera focuses on the water glass and plays some suspenseful music, so all that's really left in the majority of the movie is watching if and how the idiot college kids figure it out. With how obvious the focus on the water is made, I think the director must take everyone who watches this movie for a complete idiot. And he might be right because I feel pretty dumb for having spent my money on this so called horror movie. The movie has a decent plot but how the scenes come together wasn't thought out well enough, which in addition to a hastily written script and cruddy acting, intertwined with a lot of things that seem to be put in just for the heck of it, really make Cabin Fever a flop.
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