True Blood: Release Me (2009)
Season 2, Episode 7
It's a's a, it's a, it's Sam!!
23 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Andy saves the day by busting up the orgy; Sam narrowly escapes Maryann's clutches by shapeshifting into a bird.

Lorena: "I loathe musicals. They're always so...desperately cheerful, aren't they?" Throughout this episode Lorena prevents Bill from helping Sookie.

Is there anything more annoying than a vampire with a conscience? Bill is starting to get on my nerves with his pangs of conscience. I guess that's the nature of his character in this series, but instead of it being a plus, it's turning into a definite minus.

Jason and Sarah do it in the church. Hoyt and Jessica share intimate secrets about their virginity. Hugo tells Steve Sookie's last name then Steve goes after Jason. There's some debate over who is the traitor, and it turns out to be Hugo. Daphne tells Sam that Maryann is an immortal and tries to convince him to voluntarily join her (Maryann). Unfortunately for Daphne, Maryann apparently has no more use for her, and a pie-eyed Eggs sticks a knife in her.

Just when it appears that Sookie is going to get "Deliveranced" by Gabe, Godric appears and saves the day.
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