too corny, even for the 80's
29 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Elm Street 5 aka The Dream Child will have you thinking "what a corny 80's horror flick" the whole time you're watching it. Yeha it's from the 80's, but the first couple of movies in the series were awesome and original horror films. By the 5th one it gets old and there's nothing left to make a movie about except a new batch of teens, more of Freddy's super corny punchlines ("don't dream and drive!"), and some sort of hare-brained plot about what Freddy's up to this time (hint: still tormenting and killing people via the dreamworld).

The one really cool thing about this movie, as with the other Elm Streets, is the haunted houses/ boiler rooms/ places of torture the kids enter when they dream. This is the whole basis of Elm Street that sets it apart from other horror movies, it really is like a nightmare, and even when you're thinking "don't go in there!!!" you still can't blame the kids for going because you know that's what you do in dreams and that's the kind of crazy places that appear in dreams.

The rest of the movie is pretty dull and corny to a ridiculous extent. Like when Alice's fridge starts decomposing in front of her eyes, or Alice's friend who was obsessed with comic books becomes a comic himself and Freddy literally shreds him to pieces, or when Alice sees her own womb and the baby and it's all sci-fi flashing and flickering.. way too corny and not scary at all.

In fact that pretty much sums up the problem with The Dream Child. Way too many corny effects in this movie and not nearly enough horror. Nothing interesting to see here other than more of the dark and haunted places Freddy cooks up in the kids' dreams. The little girls playing jump rope and chanting that "one, two, Freddy's coming for you.." rhyme gets really old at this point because it's just a rehash of the older Elm Streets and has no place here. And how exactly did Alice and her friend free Amanda Kreguer? That was never made clear, but I guess it must've gotten a little rushed towards the end because they were already planning the next movie involving Freddy and a half-ass plot to bring him back.

At this point I think they made the movie just because they could, NOT because they had the intent to make a good and worthwhile movie like they must have with the first installment of Elm Street because that is one cool, totally un-corny movie (and made earlier in the notoriously corny 80's I might add). Stick to the first two Elm Streets, even the third one's pretty good even though everything's already been figured out by this point (Freddy can't really be killed and will continue to kill people in the next movie).
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