Review of Eavesdrop

Eavesdrop (2008)
OK, perhaps I'm guilty of blasphemy, but I found this film absurdly pretentious, silly , , , and annoying
31 August 2010
I know, I'm supposed to be spellbound by all the "intriguing" dialogue and cacophony of characters woven into this complex tapestry of evolving story lines that I become inescapably emotionally involved with . . .

But what I came away with was a weird mix of silly cliché's and cardboard character renderings that eventually did become rather funny to watch, but not by intention of the purported screenplay.

Sorry folks.

Perhaps I should be banished to servile dolt purgatory, but after about 30 minutes or so of this, it was simply too silly to take seriously.

After a point it just became a tedious, plodding attempt to create interest in cardboard character stereotypes that one would rarely actually want to spend any time with in real life, let alone have to suffer through the facade of such in this film.

I give the actors credit for delivering the best performances that they could under such circumstances.

But no, I'm not going to pretend to be witty or enraptured by the supposedly engaging pseudo intellectual stimulation of this unfortunate production.

Actually, if anything, this reminds me more of a mishmash of therapy sessions . . . under the influence of LSD . . . pretending to be a seriously interesting film.

Sorry . . . I must have missed something in translation.
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