The X-Files: Wetwired (1996)
Season 3, Episode 23
I just watched thirty-six hours of Bernard Shaw and Bobbie Batista. I'm about ready to kill somebody too.
11 September 2010
How this episode continues to slip under the radar of season three favorites is beyond me, but "Wetwired" is a personal favorite and a strong mix of mythology and Mulder/Scully psychology that few episodes were able to entwine so flawlessly. Written by visual effects supervisor Mat Beck, the script borrows bits and pieces from previous episodes "Blood" (the concept of mind control) and "E.B.E." (the paranoia of surveillance). As good as those episodes were, I think this one is even better. There are enough twists and turns to keep the viewer asking questions, and it serves as a nice segue into the season three finale, "Talitha Cumi." One thing I enjoyed was the subtlety the writers and director used to portray Scully's descent into paranoia - just the way the camera zooms in creepily on a motel wall adds an interesting touch. We also see the returns of the Lone Gunmen, Informant X (Steven Williams), whose presence is integral to the show's final act, and Sheila Larken as Margaret Scully, who is always a delight. There are also some spooky special effects in the teaser and a scene with a running faucet. Revisiting this episode made me remember how much I missed the gray Vancouver backdrops and the eerie atmosphere they provided. All in all this is a great representation of a standalone/mythology hybrid and one of the better episodes of the series. 10 of 10.
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