Much to my surprise...
17 September 2010
...and despite everything I had read about this film, I LIKED IT! I really did. I tried so hard to NOT like it but when it was all over and done with, I felt as if I had watched an Indiana Jones film.

When I finished the thrice-damned Star Wars prequel, I felt I had to re-watch the original trilogy again to make sure I didn't completely hate the entire series. I didn't feel that way after watching this one. I did ask myself, "Had I never seen any of the IJ films until now, would they have been dorky? Would they have seemed ridiculous or ludicrous?" Maybe. Probably, in fact. But I was a younger man back then and not nearly as critical and analytical about films in general. But after watching this last IJ film, I didn't feel let down. Sure, ALL the IJ films have a cartoon-y, "oh come ON!" feel to them, but its all done so good-naturedly (is that a real word?) and with such likable characters that one tends to LET them be cartoon-y and to overlook that "oh, come ON" factor.

I allowed myself to be swayed by the amazing number of really bad reviews written about this latest (and after all the good I said about this film, hopefully the last) and chose to skip seeing it on the big screen. I know I would have been happier had I spent ten bucks on this one rather than the ten bucks I spent seeing AVATAR in the theater and that's a fact!

I don't use the "10" rating because it basically isn't fair or accurate. Crystal skull isn't quite a 6 or a 7 so I give it a 66/100 grade. (anything below a 30 is garbage; my scale isn't like grading test papers in school.)
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