16 Blocks (2006)
Not bad but could have been so much better
19 September 2010
Bruce Willis does a good job portraying a jaded, washed up and alcoholic detective in the twilight of his career. The fundamentals of the plot are sound - what should be the mundane task of escorting a witness to court becomes a fight-and-flight battle for survival.

Unfortunately, the plot doesn't develop in any particularly thrilling manner and there are few surprises along the way. That said, it's perfectly watchable and sufficiently entertaining to prevent one reaching for the "stop" button...

...with one possible exception. Mos Def (Dante Terrell Smith)

For reasons I cannot begin to fathom, Mr. Def decides to play his character's voice with a really grating, nasal twang. It sounds like his character has a severe cleft-palate. I found myself almost rooting for the bad guys, hoping a well-aimed round would silence him once and for all!
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