What Final Wars Should Have Been
30 September 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This film was supposed to have been the finale of the Showa series of films, but Toho saw how successful it was and plowed forward. How ironic that they followed this up with one of the, if not THE, worst Godzilla movie, "Godzilla's Revenge". But yeah, this film was the last to feature all four fathers: Akira Ifukbe, Ishiro Honda, Eiji Tsubraya, and Tomiyuki Tanaka When you have them all you know you're in for a treat. One might say the series should have ended here, but then we would've never have seen the creation of some fan favorites, like Gigan and Mecha Godzilla.

I'll start by saying the single blunder of the film; its run time. It's exactly 88 minutes, as long as "Mothra vs. Godzilla'. That film had a total of four monsters. This film has almost tripled that, so how is it possible that they're the same length. Less characterization apparently, the same flaw crippled "Tokyo S.O.S." in comparison to its predecessor "Godzilla X Mecha Godzilla". A factor because this one's heavy on the sci-fi, heavier than usual. Eight minutes in we have our action start with the siege of Monster Land but in the end it won't bother most.

I won't even bother going into detail about Baragon and Varan, two monsters who didn't do sh*t in the whole movie. Although Baragon was supposed to attack Paris…so, Varan, why are you here? Godzilla has a new friendlier look, but it is far better than the laughable 1966 and 1967 suits, and the result is a great suit all in all. Rodan looks terrible in close ups sad to say despite his screen time but otherwise (or rather afar) he's okay. Anguirus looks fantastic and has lots of personality I must say. Kumonga, Mothra, and Gorosaurus pretty much remain the same, but look great. Manda has lost a few of his "Atragon" facial features but I still love him in the movie. Minilla, wish King Ghidorah had killed his ass, but whatever…The characters are pretty legit and the story involves them quite well. Some have called "Final Wars" the 2004 version of this film, but hardly. The human action in that film was Matrix rip-off type crap. Here we simply have the drama of a man and his alien-controlled sister. Plus nice shoot outs, but no over the top sh*t. Plus unlike in 2004, the leader isn't a cheesy annoying pric. This film beats "Final Wars" on that hands down.

Another aspect where the 50th anniversary failed is with the monster action. Godzilla basically killed everyone in a one-by-one killing frenzy. Somewhat cool, but I like what we see here better. Like the Tokyo stomp scenes, or the grand finale at Mt. Fuji. That's what we wanted to see in "Final Wars"!! All the monsters gathered in one spot, fighting the "demon of our galaxy", King Ghidorah! It was F*ckin awesome! Not to mention it's a brutal and bloody battle. The cinematography and SFX are epic for their time. To top it all off, Akira Ifukbe delivers one of the best Showa scores ever. I love this film to death. The end battle can never be topped and so I rest my case.
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