Wishmaster (1997)
save it for the children
11 October 2010
"Hackmaster" would've been more clever, but eh. Anyhoo, save this one for the kids. You know how you see a movie when you're a young'un that scares the pants offa you, then you see it years later and think "that was it?" This is one of those. This has "kids" written all over it because it's got a scary dude in it. As far as horror movies go, that's all it's got. The rest is an unintentional joke.

A jinn/ genie? Magical wishes? OK OK I admit that could have made a good plot. But it didn't and here's why. This movie is entirely too "real life." It's like "You've Got Mail" with Freddy Kreuger playing a minor role. Whether it be more of the horrific, or just the suspense that terrorizes people in the meantime, a good horror movie needs THAT. Wishmaster going clothes shopping while the saleslady flirts with him? That's not horror. Alexandra getting killer migraines every time the Wishmaster makes a wish real? Yawn. It just doesn't work. It's comical in all it's failure to deliver. It's so BASIC. It's cheap and easy. It's terrifying if you're 6 years old.

The characters are BORING. Alexandra is boring. Everyone in her life is boring. Watching the victims pile up is pretty cool, but they're still boring. I doubt anyone roots for Alex to beat the Wishmaster because neither she nor anything in the movie has given you a reason to. But I also can't see how anyone roots for the Wishmaster because HE'S lame too. Evil jinn, yeah right. This guy's a poor imitation of a real villain. He's a joke. I imagine he got pants'ed and got his milk money taken away a lot when he was in grade-school (do jinns go to grade-school?). Everyone that falls victim to him is just as lame as he is and you know they're gonna die and furthermore Wishmaster is doing the world a favor by reducing the lame-o's.

Anyways. The Wishmaster is some kind of Disney-gone-bad type of horror flick. Kids will probably like it though (ie be scared). So I wouldn't recommend any people possibly reading this to watch Wishmaster unless you've got kids that want to see a horror movie and then imagine Wishmaster's hiding under the bed so they can keep you up all night. As you can see, it's an all around bad film.
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