Not absolutely terrible...but I can't see why women find it amazing...
12 October 2010
Several years have passed since viewers last saw Carrie and company, though she's still involved with Mr. Big and completely consumed by her obsession for name-brand accessories. Meanwhile, Miranda is adjusting to married life and motherhood, Charlotte is still clinging to her dreams, and Samantha and handsome, steely eyed TV star Smith Jerrod are now living together out in L.A. Of course, when the girls all come together, it's just like old times.

…and so I thought, since the first release of the upcoming Sex and the City 2 trailer, should I brave it out and watch the first movie and see what all the fuss is about? My answer was obviously yes, I wouldn't be reviewing it otherwise. Take in mind that this is from a straight guy's perspective and from someone who has never seen any Sex and the City episodes. The story is actually not bad but it's not good either, it centres around Sarah Jessica Parker's character getting married to Mr. Big and her other three friends undergoing some sort of marriage or home crisis of their own. The acting was very good and the four main actresses kept a solid performance throughout in my opinion. The characters are mostly fixated on name-brand shoes and clothes, marriage, money, shopping and—of course—their sex lives, they were written okay, however there was very little character development and after a while, they start to get a little irritating and stereotypical. The direction and cinematography was great as the movie had the feel that it was a longer episode from the television series. The writing isn't bad either, I thought the script wasn't badly written and the story was mediocre.

Before watching this movie, I saw the trailer for it and I did think that I might not like it. However I still gave it a chance and it wasn't that bad but it is definitely the biggest chick flick I have ever seen (and it was expected to be, after all, it is Sex and the City). A massive flaw for this movie, in my opinion, is the runtime. Two and a half hours is way too long for this movie, it should have been shorter. I found myself starting to drift in and out of the movie after an hour and a half. Also, as much as I like Jennifer Hudson, I felt that her character, which was the assistant of Sarah Jessica Parker's character, was kind of pointless. It just felt like she was there for no reason, she should have been in the movie a lot more than she was. However, in saying this, Sex and the City: The Movie is supposed to be about the four main women and each had their fair share of runtime so it wasn't really a massive problem. Did I enjoy it? It wasn't bad but it was nowhere near good. Don't get me wrong, I can watch chick flicks and I can enjoy them but this wasn't very enjoyable at all, it's pretty much stereotypical. I don't see how women can find this so fascinating. Overall, it's pretty much below average.

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