Piranha 3D (2010)
A bloodbath awaits movie goers...
28 October 2010
As far as scary movies go, Piranha 2d - the 3d equivalent less the effects - is superb. It's formulaic yes, it's predictable sure, but it's riveting entertainment. If you're a fan of gore and guts - much like myself - then you're going to love the high octane action that pulses through this movie.

Essentially the film's about a new underwater lake that opens up, owing to seismic activity in Lake Victoria. It's spring break and 20,000 college kids are shaking their asses with beer and parties galore. There's no character development to speak of but there are some well-structured scenes with high-impact entertainment.

Look out for old-school favorites in Elisabeth Shue (Leaving Las Vegas/Adventures in Babysitting) and Back to the Future's Doc - Christopher Lloyd. Ving Rhames and Richard Dreyfuss also lend their weight to the flick. It's cutting Hollywood action right down to the bone - excuse the pun...
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