Review of Dym

Dym (2007)
Very Good, My first short film and I was impressed
8 November 2010
Keeps in mind while reading this, i have never seen a short film before, so maybe some thing I found interesting might not suppose to be and maybe some flaws I saw weren't flaws at all.

This is a very artsy film. The director had allot of great ideas, and his cast gave it there complete effort. The cast performed great, especially the lead man.

The film didn't have any conversation in it, and used sound effects and music to demonstrate mood and the atmosphere of the scene. The film succeeds at pulling the audience in by doing that. Much the same way M. Night Shyamalan does it in "The Sixth Sense" My only complaint about the film, was that there is no identifiable plot. Is that what short films are supposed to be like, i don't know, but I had a hard time figuring out what was going on. i thought maybe the lead was upset and having flashbacks of a happier time, but even in these so called flashbacks he seems upset. My theory is the whole thing is one big day dream, and at the end where there is a girl standing behind him, that is back to real life. I guess we will never know, it's up to the director to interpret what the film should be about.

Artisitically wonderful, and full of great performances.
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