Forgettable but fun, it is unabashedly stupid, but it does manage to entertain fairly consistently.
10 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
TWO MILLION STUPID WOMEN A film review by Steve Rhodes Copyright 2009 Steve Rhodes RATING (0 TO ****): ** 1/2 TWO MILLION STUPID WOMEN is a title guaranteed to instantly capture the attention of potential viewers and to quickly infuriate every feminist. Both groups should relax, since the film is never as provocative as its title and it insults both sexes equally, making us all look like idiots at some point during the movie. While the film is nothing special, it is nice, silly fun. As we spend the night with Melissa, Anna and Todd, three young adults in their twenties, it's hard not to have a good time as they bicker and argue like friends do. Actors Sarah Hall, Katy Stoll and Mark R. Gerson give uniformly likable readings of Melissa, Anna and Todd. The movie's setup is just about as stupid as its title, but it works in a wacky kind of way. When we meet Melissa, it is her birthday. She is excited since this is the first birthday she's had when she has a boyfriend. On previous birthdays, she was between guys. Yep, you guessed it. JT (Trevor Downie), Melissa's current squeeze, quickly becomes her ex after she walks in on him cheating on her with, in her words, "a bimbo that looks like a swizzle stick." A plan. Melissa needs a plan to deal with her addiction to failed relationships. She comes up with one, and, while it is a plan of sorts, it's a pretty weird one. She will go to all of her previous "hook-ups" and get them to tell her then and there these exact words, "You're stupid, pathetic and I should leave you alone." Not surprisingly, most of the guys who have bedded her over the years refuse to go along with her precise scripting. Along the way, she also finds out that what she thinks happened with them sometimes didn't because she was too drunk to know. Forgettable but fun, TWO MILLION STUPID WOMEN is unabashedly stupid, but it does manage to entertain fairly consistently. TWO MILLION STUPID WOMEN runs a bit too long at 1:42.
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