Review of Case 39

Case 39 (2009)
Terrifying and harrowing until the very end
22 November 2010
Case 39 is certainly a deserving recipient of an edge-of-your-seat thriller award. The film has been a long time coming and it's strange that no distributors were willing to touch it since 2009. But it's here and it's piping hot. It stars the talented Renee Zellweger as a child services worker.

The overworked social welfare department has too many case loads to deal with. And when Case 39 is assigned to Zellweger, she immediately takes a personal interest in it. It's the sad story of a girl whose grades are slipping and whose home life is anything but benign.

The film does a 180' turn and soon the benevolence of Zellweger is greeted by a horrifying reality. This case is anything but benign. If you're prepared for horror, this is going to scare you witless...
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