Not as bad as one might be led to believe...
15 December 2010
Warning: Spoilers reading the reviews here.

No, UTLL is not a *great* episode but it certainly isn't as insulting or demeaning as some reviews on the web have stated. Even being of Irish descent myself, I found the episode lightweight and rather funny in most parts.

My biggest problem with this installment was a scientific plot hole: If the Mariposans were such accomplished cloning scientists, they would have known - even 300 years ago! - about replicative fading and preserved tissue samples from the ORIGINAL settlers from which they could have cloned their entire population. Also, if they (the originals) had had a few children and took samples from them as well, they would have had a larger genetic "library" to work with. Of course, had this issue been addressed, the entire third act of the show would have fallen apart so I guess I see why it was written the way it was.

My other gripe about this episode was how bleedin' long it took the Enterprise conference to realize the Bringloidis were the perfect solution to the Mariposan's problem. It seems as if clear thinking by the crew is an on again, off again kind of thing...

Anyway, UTLL was an entertaining and undemanding offering in the STTNG world and certainly not deserving of the harsh treatment some have given it.

My score 73/100.
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