20 February 2011
Tweenage girls rejoice! Your second coming of Christ has made a "movie"! As for the rest of humanity, please don't see this movie. I did not waste the $10 to see this, instead I saw the movie on another unnamed source and I'm thanking myself every second for not wasting money like that. I probably robbed myself the experience of going to the theater and laughing at the brainwashed and culturally-deprived Bieber fan base that would have been there. I did plenty of laughing anyway. The movie was awful from begging to end. I could have watched the movie in a different language and the experience would have been the exact same. This is definitely your cliché rags to riches story. They try to make you feel sympathetic for the kid, but I felt nothing but apathy. The best part were the fan shots. I didn't see ANYONE who wasn't a girl above the age of 16. It's kind of depressing how anyone could consider this culture or art. If you don't believe me, go look at the other reviews on IMDb. Anyone who doesn't think this movie is awful, is and imbecile in their eyes. But I digress. Seriously, if you have an iota of sanity, do not see this movie.
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