An underrated classic that deserves more exposure
4 March 2011
Warning: Spoilers
There is so much to say about how amazing this movie is, I'm not sure how best to begin.

The basic theme of the movie is that true friendship exists between those willing to sacrifice anything and everything for each other. It's quite simplistic but it works very well.

Lets start with the story. A goat and a wolf meet on a stormy night, they exchange words regarding a few things about themselves. When they finally meet each other on a normal day they see the other for what they really are. They manage to look past their physical differences because of the bond between them, but the fact that they are natural enemies puts a heavy burden on their friendship. I won't say much more than that because I don't want to spoil it for anyone who wants to see.

The main characters, Gabu (wolf) & Mei (goat), are very well developed, you can really feel how much they care for each other and you as the viewer would want nothing more then to see them live happily ever after as best friends. The supporting characters are Gabu's pack and Mei herd, they are there to fuel the conflict of the movie, they are the biggest obstacle when it comes to their friendship along with the laws of nature about predators and prey.

The animation is wonderful, the environments are lush, colorful and detailed, the characters are well drawn, they can emote all kinds of expressions without coming off as overly cartoony but not all that realistic either. The animation is just a joy to look at.

The music is also very good, it always fits the situation occurring and is nice to listen to.

Overall it's a must see for anyone of all ages, it teaches the viewer how important friendship is no matter who you are. It just melts your heart and uplifts you. I only regret that this movie is not receiving the recognition it deserves, so do the creators of this movie a favor and spread the word.
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