Jake's Closet (2007)
Riveting horror? Anything at all original? I think not.
15 March 2011
I'm more terrified at the rave reviews I'm seeing for Jake's Closet, a middling indie film that offers virtually nothing new, interesting, or suspenseful.

Was this film trying to communicate the horrors that dysfunctional families and divorce puts kids through? If that's the case, it could have done so without the really bad (and I mean excruciatingly bad) guy dressed as a zombie. Was it trying to recreate childhood fears and traumas? If so, it's about as scary as a bowl of corn flakes (thanks mostly to aforementioned zombie).

You never expect the acting to be off-the-charts spectacular in films with budgets like this, but it's pretty abysmal here. Of course, no help is given from the script which portrays everyone as either insensitive, stupid, or both. As far as the kid playing Jake, well...I've seen better performances but it wasn't the worst I've seen either.

This smacks more of a failed senior U of C film doodle than a serious film. Nice kernel of an idea, but execution that is pedestrian at best, laughable at its worst.
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