The in Crowd (2000)
Absorbing & worth watching -- especially for Susan Ward's wonderfully eerie performance
22 March 2011
I LOVE movies like this and they are all too rare. Yes, it's a highly commercial venture but its creators and participants just can't resist doing something compelling - and fascinating - with their work. For me, the all-time classic in this category would be Herk Harvey's "Carnival Of Souls" (1962). Expectations are set at zero but, scene by scene, something is developing that you just don't want to let go of. I find that low budget films in general have an astonishing tendency to find their own unique character! The basic premise is well-thought out and very well conceived - you immediately sense the vulnerability of Lori Heuring's very well-played character as the "have-not" among the disturbingly menacing "haves". And, as a result, you feel her personal strength as well. Thus the major conflict is set -- and the crisis and resolution turn out to be pretty gripping after all. Susan Ward is truly mesmerizing in her meticulously developed, wonderfully shaded role. The movie would be worth seeing for that alone but it's actually a very good, spine-tingling psychological horror/thriller and it's entertaining throughout.
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