Oh well, it's not every day you come across a horror/western hybrid...
17 April 2011
Interesting but failed attempt to mix western and horror. There's just not enough horror in it, that's pretty much the problem with it. The titular character (aka Pelgidium) has no background story whatsoever (Why the hell does he do what he does?). The prologue-scene is incomprehensible (compared to the rest of the story) and all-in-all, there's not really much going on in this movie. But it does have Angus Scrimm in a supporting roll and Pelgidium's face actually looks like he could have been the brother of Jenifer (from Dario Argento's MOH-episode). I'll just be a softie again and not flunk this dusty baby, because, well, it doesn't really deserve to be flunked. The leading scorned woman is portrayed by Denise Crosby from "Pet Semetary" and (fans of spectacular cheesy 80's action sci-fi rejoice!) Charles Band's "Eliminators"!
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