Man Wanted (1932)
Relieved He's Cheating
19 April 2011
In this pre-Code drama Kay Francis stars as the fashionable editor of a chic magazine who has no time for other than her job. Which leaves her playboy husband Kenneth Thomson all kinds of idle hours to play with perennial other woman Claire Dodd.

When sporting goods salesman David Manners tries to sell her a rowing machine, he walks off with the job of her new secretary. And Kay ends up admiring more than David's work ethic.

Man Wanted which contains no really steamy scenes nor any kind of suggestive language still could never have been made after the omnipresent Code was adopted. It has a way too casual attitude toward infidelity with Manners, Francis, Thomson, and Dodd all quite willing to keep things going. When Kay learns of Thomson's cheating, she's quite relieved actually because she and Manners can now kanoodle.

Although Man Wanted cannot really make its mind up whether it's comedy or drama, it's still a good film and most typical of the films that Kay Francis was starring in at the height of her career.
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