TT3D, hold onto your seats
21 April 2011
If you know someone that has raced the Isle of Man, not just done Mad Sunday or ridden the circuit on a regular day, but proper raced the circuit, you probably know they babble on and on about it and whenever they get chance the subject comes up again, well, if you even knew the half of what they went through to get there and what they experienced whilst competing you'd have a lot more respect, love and pride in that person. TT3D brings it home in a no holds barred, slightly gory, earthy fashion, talking to riders in their own words, sometimes blue, occasionally modest but always honest. The 3D aspect simply adds a little more colour, feel and passion to what is already an emotive subject, loved by many, misunderstood even feared by others. I'm sure the DVD will sell, but the cinema experience was not to be missed, get the kids round to grannies for the night, get some of your mates out for the thrill of it, you won't be disappointed. Would I let my mother see this film? You bet, and my kids when they are old enough. I loved it, felt it, I lived and breathed it, yes I've raced it, you might have guessed that already. Congrats to the production team and editors thereof, sparkling performance by all concerned. Most of all to whom so ever had the bright idea in the first place, pop round by all means, I'll get a brew on.
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