Rather craptastic!
10 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This film is notable for one thing--an early appearance by Lon Chaney, Jr.--here billed under his actual name, Creighton Chaney. Aside from that, it's a very low-budget B-movie--and it shows its low pedigree in every way. The acting is often abysmal, the script clichéd and I assumed it was directed by a chimp! The film is about some stolen ruby and a criminal that strangles his victims but as yet is unknown. To get to the bottom of this, a police detective (Chaney) poses as one of the killer's henchmen--who just so happens to look EXACTLY like Chaney!!! How fortuitous! Think about it. the odds of a person looking EXACTLY like someone else are astronomically great. Yet here, on top of that, the cop on the case just happens to look exactly like the #1 suspect!! Sometimes in film you need to suspend disbelief to enjoy them--here you just need to be very stupid! The bottom line is that the actors(?) often struggle over delivering their lines (especially the ones doing outrageous accents), there is a fight scene at the end that is hilariously bad and the entire plot is based on a bad cliché. Even for fans of B-movies, this one is very slow going and dull.

By the way, if you do choose to see this film, listen to Chaney's voice. Neither character sounds like Chaney did in his films just a few years later. My assumption is that he got some voice lessons in order to deepen his voice.
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