"A Killer Strikes in a World of Women"!!!!....
25 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
....so says the poster - in other words, a murder is committed in an all girls school. With a title like "Death Goes to School" full marks to theatre owners, trying to get patrons into the cinemas. Before he was Hudson, the very devoted butler who "knew his place" in the TV series "Upstairs, Downstairs" Gordon Jackson was a familiar face in a score of British films. This movie gave him a rare lead and it is easy to see why (it was a rare lead). Well, he wasn't exactly "Mr. Personality" - he had no quirkiness of character that would make his Inspector Campbell memorable.

A body is discovered behind the school playing fields - it is Miss Cooper, a teacher who has no friends at the school, in other words, everyone's a suspect!!! The only clue is a footprint of a size 5 shoe!! Dour Inspector Campbell from Scotland Yard is onto the case right away - and the teachers are onto him too - "he's so big and strong, so masterful" etc and they try to make an impression. As each Mistress is interviewed a picture is drawn of Miss Cooper and it is not pretty - she is hard to get along with, is forever picking fights with the other staff members and seems to have a dislike of children!!!

One of the mistresses, Miss Shephard, seems to be the real detective of the movie and armed with inside knowledge from staff and students, has her own ideas about who is the murderer. Her investigations take her out of the school, away from the teachers and into the homes of the parents. Gordon Jackson gives his usual solid, "no frills" performance. Barbara Murray (Miss Shepherd) was a newcomer who went on to have a more productive career in television with shows such as "The Power Game" and "The Plane Makers".
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