Wholly crap!
17 June 2011
I'm not even going to dignify this film with a "1". This is one of the few times when I wish the IMDb page was equipped with negative numbers. I've inflicted some pretty bad films on myself over the years and most of these have been bad horror films. For some reason, I'm more forgiving of a bad horror film than I am a bad sci-fi. I love the genre too much to sit thru a bad sci-fi but OH MY GOD did I ever choose a stinker this time!! This steaming pile even made the worse "made for SyFy Channel" productions look GOOD!

There's not too much good can be said about Star Quest other than the DVD box has nice cover art. I think that's where whatever budget the makers of this drek had at their disposal put it all because it certainly didn't go into the making of the film. There was no acting, no story, no directing, no motivation, no momentum, no humor (oh they tried a couple of times...), no drama, no excitement, no heart, no quality, no guts... so basically there's no reason to watch this... none at all.

I'll almost give some semi-points for the CGI views of the ship and space although even Babylon 5 - using 15 year less advanced computers and software - got smoother motion from their computer models. I won't grant that (semi)point because everything else was just so damn bad.

The set decoration looked like cast-off store displays from a department store - for EVERYTHING. Although the "Odyssey" looked to be a starship about the size of Illinois, the sets themselves were so damn cramped it looked as if the "actors" had to avoid running into the camera every time they moved... and there were only 6 or 7 people aboard the ^%$^$ thing! Oh and speaking of the people: We had the "Uhuru"-ish communications officer (who couldn't act), the "Sulu"-ish navigator (who couldn't act), the ship's doctor who looked as if she'd just started college (at least she didn't have a Southern accent but still couldn't act!), the ship's engineer (named "Troy"... ahem! who, not too surprisingly, had a Scottish accent, but also couldn't act), some idiotic cross between a Klingon and a Borg - two of them, actually - both of whom seemed to be covered in old computer parts and cellphone carcasses as some sort of "cybernetic modifications" and modifications or not, neither of *these* guys could act! Finally, our High School Football Hero playing the great Captain. Do I need to say that he couldn't act, either? Honestly, though, I would have been willing to overlook the crappy SFX, crappy set design, crappy dialog, crappy story, etc. if there had actually have been any decent acting but alas, there was none of that to be found here. The entire production tanked. BAD.

In the closing credits there was actually an on screen "thanks" to Gene Roddenberry who should, in all rights, rise from the grave just to strangle everyone associated with this abomination for even mentioning his name.

Do I recommend it? NO. Not even for a laugh.

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