A good film given too little credit
28 June 2011
For me, one of the best one-liners I've ever heard in a movie was in "The Saxon Charm". Robert Montgomery and company enter a German restaurant in New York City. They are seated at a very bad table. Montgomery insists on a change. Management demurs and won't budge. Montgomery throws a fit and commands his party to follow him out of the restaurant by hissing, "Let's quit this Fascist pest-hole!". I don't remember when I first saw the film, 40 years ago at least, but I've been using that line ever since. I believe, agreeing with an earlier comment, that it was based on David Merrick with Jed Harris being used as a beard; although the author of the comment uses a different turn-of- phrase. I think that the comparison was intended by Frederic Wakeman, who wrote the novel upon which the film was based, and Claude Binyon, it's screenwriter and director. An earlier novel by Wakeman, titled "The Hucksters", was made into the eponymous film starring Clark Gable and Deborah Kerr. His "missing years" were spent in Greece with his wife, Elli Lambeti, a brilliant actress and a great star.
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