Review of Scorpion

Scorpion (1986)
Oh Scorpion, Where Is Thy Sting?
25 July 2011
Somewhere in the lackluster shell of this boring, undistinguished movie is a much better movie trying to get out. Oh, wait...that better movie is "Bullitt", which was already a classic, so this movie is entirely superfluous.

It's weird how all these "Crown International Picture" action releases make me long for the days of Cannon/Golan-Globus, who may have made this kind of genre action/martial arts movie with their frontal lobes firmly stuck in "neutral", but at least knew how to pace their scenes and pack them with delirious, cheesy silliness.

There are some decent individual performances here especially from the actor who plays the hero's partner. There are even some good setups and some nice framing shots.But the lead can't carry the movie. Think Chuck Norris without the charisma, and you've got poor Tonny T. He's not a complete stiff, but he's in over his head, and the director can't seem to help him. I feel bad for the guy - whatever potential he had, this movie buried his chances of ever improving as an actor.

Throw in some king size plot holes, some badly choreographed action sequence and some major failures of common sense in the screen play, add some leaden pacing and clinker ridden dialog, and you're left with an extremely forgettable movie.

Don't bother with "Scorpion" unless you are desperate for a movie fix.
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