The Change-Up (2011)
Atypical "Switch" Movie With Typical Results
12 August 2011
Have you ever seen a really really good "switch" movie? You know the type; mother and daughter or father and son wish out loud that they wish they could be the other and then some lightning bolts flash and it miraculously happens. Vice-versa, Freaky Friday, and Like Father Like Son are a few examples. The difference with the Change Up is that instead of a father/son or mother/daughter switch we get two buddies to switch things up. One happens to be a single playboy type who doesn't hold a job and the other is a corporate lawyer with a wife and three kids. The similarities to the other switcharoo movies is that like the other once mentioned, this is a rather mediocre to poor film as well. Perhaps the best of this genre is the Rob Schneider film, The Hot Chick, where he a low-life crook who switches with a prom queen. I got to go to The Change Up for free, so it was no harm, no foul. My recommendation would be for you to wait until this movie comes out on DVD to see it rather than waste your money at the movies. Rating 4 of 10 stars and that is being kind because I'm a Jason Bateman fan.
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