Tired and talky mystery with a few effective scenes
14 August 2011
This is one of many films which is "inspired" by such films as "Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?" and "Hush, Hush Sweet Charlotte." It's also one of the less memorable ones. In it, a glamorous wealthy socialite (Zsa Zsa Gabor, ideally cast) dies in a fire under mysterious circumstances and the priceless diamond necklace she was wearing when she died has disappeared. Her little daughter witnessed the event and was traumatized and forgot. After several years in a convent for disturbed young people, her father (Don Ameche) brings her home along with his new wife (Martha Hyer), who was the daughter's governess when the fire occurred. Well, in the will, the daughter (Susan Gordon) was left virtually everything, but can't touch it until she turns 25. The father was largely left out of the will, which has damaged his marriage to the conniving, gold-digging new wife. Daddy is in such dire straights, he has to sell the furniture. He didn't even inherit the house, which was left to the government as a historical site. But if something were to happen to her, the money would go to someone else. Among the potential heirs is Gabor's creepy cousin (Maxwell Reed), who is also the caretaker and who was injured trying to save his cousin's life. So strange things start happening in the house, to the surprise no one. This was old hat as even back in 1966, but the house makes a good setting and there are a few creepy scenes and surprise twists. Problem is there aren't enough of them to sustain a feature-length film. Some of the acting works. Martha Hyer gives a credible performance as the wicked stepmother and Wendell Corey is dryly amusing as the cynical family lawyer settling the estate at the beginning of the film. While Zsa Zsa Gabor only has a minor role despite her prominent billing, she is the perfect choice to play the haughty and pampered socialite whose death is the center of the film. Call it a failure with a few bright moments here and there.
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