Pretty dreadful....
30 September 2011
The films of Brigitte Bardot are, for the most part, a study in what might have been. What I mean is that although she was a gorgeous woman, she rarely was given much in the way of material in her films. Mostly, her films were like a steady diet of meringue--very sweet but not very satisfying if this is all you have to eat! It's a real shame, as she had a magnetic screen presence. Perhaps her having been given so many fluff roles is why she chose to retire so young--at only 39--and still an incredibly beautiful woman.

"Agent 38-24-36" is bad even by the standards of a lot of these fluff films. It makes little sense, has VERY broad acting and writing and makes the least of its talented stars. Although the film is clearly filmed in Paris, the film is supposed to be about British spies in the UK. So what British actors did they pick to play in this film? None. Instead, the main British leading man is...Anthony Perkins! He seems about as British as John Wayne or Nipsy Russell. And the rest of the 'Brits' are all French men and women!

This silly casting, however, is not the major problem with this dopey spy farce. The writing is pretty awful and some scenes make you cringe at their dopiness. Try watching Perkins in slapstick scenes like when he's chasing the dog in the restaurant or chasing a runaway vacuum (uggh--it's bad)! Dreadful is the word for this.

The plot, if you care, is about a British attempt to pass off fake secrets to the Russians. But, Perkins and his girlfriend (Bardot) are just too stupid to get that right. None of it is the least bit interesting or engaging and the director did nothing to make anything out of the material--using stupid gags like speeding up the film (ha, ha) and having the characters behave as if they'd recently been lobotomized. Dull and a complete waste of talents.
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