Jane Eyre (2011)
Beautiful rendition of a timeless love story
18 October 2011
This film is great in many ways. Some of the cinematography is quite literally breath-taking and Adriano Goldman has produced something of real beauty in shot after shot. Most of the night time shooting appears to have been done entirely with candlelight which adds to the powerful build up of atmosphere and tension at Rochester's house.

The direction is assured and the acting of Mia Wasilokowska as Jane and Michael Fassbender as the mysterious and irascible Rochester holds the centre ground of this believable love story. Charlotte Brontë wrote a wonderful book with a heroine that is far from too good to be true, but is a young woman whose humanity is central to the whole purpose of the book. Mia captures both her strength and her depth through very understated acting.

The torment that faces Rochester is gradually revealed – and the mystery of his household will not be revealed in this review. Fassbender manages to be both frightening and attractive; quite an achievement. They are surrounded by excellent actors like Judi Dench as the housekeeper, Mrs. Fairfax and Sally Hawkins as the deeply unpleasant Mrs. Reed.

When a film is a perfect example of its genre it deserves 10 in my view. This is and does.
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