Review of Voice

Voice (2005)
Decent horror flick that has an emotional weight to it
25 October 2011
First of all, for those who expect to be scared out of their mind with this film - you will be disappointed but if you look at this film from a different angle, you will find this film really touches on how loneliness can alienate all of us whether we are alive or dead.

The film tells how a girl Young-eon, a talented singer in her high school is murdered by a music sheet (sounds ridiculous but it will make sense when you watch it) and ends up becoming a ghost - only her best friend can hear her and help her find out what happened.

What the film explores is the feeling of being lonely and also being remembered. The two lead actresses do a great job in portraying the emotions and confusion of two teenagers and also bring out their friendship in a believable way. The film I would say is more psychologically driven in the thriller mode and it's pace is more steady which gives you time to get to know the characters.

Some scenes are spooky, and the film has an ambiguous atmosphere (as most Asian horrors do) so they keep you watching till the end so you can uncover all the mystery of the plot. I prefer horror films where you can have some emotional substance as it can sometimes take a turn that just shatters you - this film doesn't do that but makes you sympathise with the characters as well as be slightly spooked out.

The ending perhaps is a bit cliché - and also makes you question the main protagonists position in her actions and if she would do that (so much for friendship - that's all I'm saying) but overall I enjoyed this film and didn't bore me compared to some other Asian horror's I've seen in the past few days (Doll Master for one).
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